Connecticut Celiac Support Site

Celiac disease is an inherited autoimmune condition. When people with celiac disease eat anything containing gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and possibly oats, they form antibodies which then attack their intestines. The result is malnutrition, often resulting in complications such as osteoporosis, anemia, infertility or lymphoma. Symptoms are varied, but often include diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, and poor growth in children. The treament for celiac disease is strict adherence to a gluten free diet for life. While initially, this lifestyle change can seem daunting and overwhelming, it allows for a completely healthy life. With a little creativity, the diet can be varied and delicious.

This site is sponsored by the Connecticut celiac support groups with the goal of helping celiacs to live healthfully, joyfully, and well.



Connecticut Support Groups


Health Food Stores


Mail Order Companies


Eating Out





Gluten Free Beer
Catholicism and Celiac Disease
NIH Conference on Celiac Disease


Our Mascot

A classic TV series provides the site with a new mascot: the Tribble.  See why!

This site was last updated on August 28, 2005.

Bobbie Coughlin, Webmaster


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